New Missionary

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Gerardo Laguartilla

On December 3, 2020, Gerardo was definitively incorporated with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he was not able to return to Canada from Lima, Peru which was part of his Cross Cultural Experience. This experience is part of the final months of formation.

Our missionaries confers and the parish of San Fracisco de Borga celebrated this wonderful and special day as Gerardo pledged and committed his life and future ministry to the Congregation.

On December 26, 2020, the local CPPS missionaries and the parish community of San Francisco de Borga, presented Gerardo to the Bishop Lino Richer, of the Diocese of Carabayllo, in Lima Peru for his ordination to the diaconate. The celebration and liturgy was live-streamed so that family, friends, and community members were able to view and pray with Gerardo. The parish community hosted a small social and dinner afterwards.

Gerardo, along with his various house duties is now baptizing, preaching at daily and Sunday masses, leading funeral services, visiting the homebound whenever possible, and presides at the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

We await for the pandemic restrictions to lessen so that he may return among us. Please remember Gerardo in your prayers.